SPAM the Musical
New Media Scotland was proud to announce the premiere of SPAM the Musical at the 2008 Edinburgh Art Festival as part of Art Late night. Guerilla screenings popped up across the city with additional footage and deleted scenes distributed via multiple online video sharing platforms.
2008 marked the thirtieth birthday of spam email and to celebrate SPAM the Musical turned spam into video art. Based on the texts of spam email, collected over two years, SPAM the Musical is about make-believe and truth, hope and betrayal.
This is an international no-budget art project created by 16 anonymous artists. They are continuing to challenge the rules of the international art circus by gaining the attention of international curators and museum directors through the tools of viral marketing, spamvertising, social networks and bookmarking.
This is David vs Goliath, and they are winning.
The Voodoo Rooms, 19a West Register Street, Edinburgh
28th August 2008
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