Sonica | XFRMR

Sonica | XFRMR

22nd-26th August 2017, 4pm & 8pm. £12|£6
Leith Volcano, 119 Constitution St, Edinburgh EH6 7AE

In 1891 the genius inventor Nikola Tesla tamed lightning with his Tesla coil, a device that renders electricity visible. Artist Robbie Thomson harnesses the sonic capabilities of the Tesla coil to create a work as arresting as the scent of burning ozone and as lively as electricity itself.

By synthesising sound waves that alter the frequency of the coils output, Thomson, in this Cryptic commission for Sonica, produces distorted tones and harsh percussive stabs that are accompanied by reactive projections, resulting in a physical assault on the senses.

To book a ticket click here.

Please note: This performance contains flashing images, loud noise and can cause possible magnetic interference with pacemakers.

XFRMR features in the Made in Scotland Showcase at the Edinburgh Fringe 2017.


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Sonica | XFRMR